Conference Committee
This committee meets as needed to review, plan and recommend conference activities and projects that pertain to the annual conference and select award recipients for the Arrowhead Regional EMS Systems Recognition Award presentation.
Current Membership:
- Sue Bengtson
- Jeff Cartwright
- Andy Clade
- Steve DuChien
- Geoffrey Galaski
- Charles Gallet
- Lucas Goodin
- Marlyn Halvorson
- Caitlin Korpi
- Pam Kuschner
- Mike McNulty
- Nathan Myers
- Joe Newton
- Amy Saylor
- Adam Shadiow
- Jo Thompson
- Nicci Trierweiler
- Sarah Zayas
Executive Committee
This committee meets prior to quarterly Board meetings and reviews Board agendas as well as any upcoming necessary Board actions. This committee is comprised of elected Board officials to include: President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer.
Current Membership:
- Sue Bengtson
- Steve DuChien
- Lucas Goodin
- Joe Newton
Finance Committee
This committee meets prior to quarterly Board meetings to review finances and prepare budgets and policy recommendations.
Current Membership:
- Sue Bengtson
- Steve DuChien
- Lucas Goodin
- Pam Kuschner
- Joe Newton
- Stan Sadenwasser
- Adam Shadiow
- Nicci Trierweiler
- Sarah Zayas
Legislative Committee
This committee meets via phone conference during the legislative session to review, recommend and determine necessary actions for EMS providers for our region.
Current Membership:
- Nathan Myers
Project and Review Committee
This committee meets as needed to review and assist in developing the guidelines for grants and recommend projects and programs for the Association.
Current Membership:
- Sue Bengtson
- Joe Newton
- Stan Sadenwasser
- Amy Saylor
- Adam Shadiow
- Nicci Trierweiler