DMIST Protocol

The Northeast Minnesota Regional Trauma Advisory Committee (NERTAC) and the Arrowhead EMS Association (AEMSA) are excited to announce the retiring of its previous VMIT protocol and the recommendation of the more modern DMIST protocol for all patient hand offs. This move to DMIST reflects current best practices and available literature suggests that DMIST leads to safer hand offs between pre-hospital and hospital providers.

On the right side of the page you will find the memo for distribution to your staff as well as a sample DMIST Poster. We have also made available a copy of a short training course for your staff.

We recognize that this will take some time to implement regionwide, but we also believe that consistent safe hand offs are paramount to the successful transition of patient care. If you would like someone to provide training or you require support in implementing this change, please don’t hesitate to contact the NERTAC or AEMSA.